Classes Resume at Schools Located on Fort Campbell

Schools on Fort Campbell are open and things are running smoothly, so far, according to installation officials.

During a virtual town hall update Tuesday evening, Garrison Commander Colonel Jeremy Bell says schools opened Monday and it went well.

School officials thank the Fort Campbell community for all the support the families have given and the flexibility they have shown.

In COVID-19 cases on the installation, 101st Airborne Commander Major General Brian Winski says the number of cases has decreased greatly over the last three weeks. He adds there are about a third of the cases now compared to what they had in the third week of July. As of Tuesday evening, there were no people hospitalized at Blanchfield Army Community Hospital who had tested positive for COVID-19.

Winski says their COVID-19 safety measures are working well, with the 2nd Brigade reporting the fewest amount of COVID-positive cases. He adds the 1st Brigade is next up in the JROTC rotation and will undergo 100% COVID-testing.

In some good news, Winski reports all of the 3rd Brigade members that were deployed to Africa have returned to Fort Campbell.

The town hall also consisted of additional updates from Blanchfield Army Community Hospital, JROTC, and other activities on the installation going on through the pandemic.

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