New Cadiz Water Plant Could Go Online In October

The new Cadiz water treatment plant could be providing water to customers in early October.

Cadiz Mayor Todd King and Public Works Director Kerry Fowler discussed the progress of the new water treatment plant with the News Edge Tuesday morning, with Fowler noting the plant filtration system should be online in less than two months.

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Fowler adds there still quite a bit of work and testing that must be completed prior to starting the filtration process.

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The Public Works Director says the new water treatment plant will be the latest technology.

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Fowler noted the filtration process is completely different than what is being used now.

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He adds the new water plant will tremendously increase the ability to serve Cadiz.

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Mayor Todd King says the new water plant will be important to future development.

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The Mayor says a ribbon-cutting ceremony could be held later this year or early next year depending on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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