League of Women Voters Celebrating Anniversary of 19th Amendment

The League of Women Voters of Hopkinsville will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment into law Tuesday afternoon.

The 19th amendment extended voting rights to women and was passed by the U.S. Senate on August 18, 1920, becoming law 8 days later.

League Publicity Chair Donna Johnson says they will host a parade Tuesday from 5:30 until 6:15. Johnson adds the community is invited to participate by walking in the parade, which will begin at the Old Courthouse at 511 South Main Street. Another way to participate is by motorcade beginning at Freedom Chapel at 137 South Virginia Street. Both events will end at the Justice Center at 100 Justice Way for a brief presentation at 6:00.

In case of rain, the parade will be canceled, with an event to be held at Founders Square Pavilion at 110 West 9th Street at 6:00 PM Tuesday.

Johnson says no political campaign promotions will be allowed in the parade. She adds sashes are on sale for $5, with few quantities available.

For more information, call Bonnie Lynch at (270) 881-2574 or Henriette Kemp at (270) 886-3776.

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