Christian County Schools Virtual Learning Academy Ready for Students

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of bad situations, but the Christian County Public Schools system is hoping one good thing will come from this, a new way for students to attend class permanently.

During a meeting with local media members Friday, Superintendent Chris Bentzel said the new virtual learning academy is one of two options all students may attend beginning the first day of school, Thursday, August 27.

Bentzel stressed the virtual learning academy will be completely different from NTI days that students encountered at the end of last school year.

As of Friday, the district already had 1,100 students signed up for the virtual learning academy, with about 25 of them coming from a home school learning environment.

Bentzel added if families choose to start with the traditional option, but decide their students need to be a part of the virtual learning academy, they can switch over at any time.

The virtual learning academy was created with funding provided through the CARES Act, with approximately $1.5 million of the funding the district received purchasing Chromebook laptops for every student in the 3rd through 12th grade.

Bentzel hopes the academy will continue to be funded by the board of education so it can become a viable option for future students, who may benefit from this way of learning.

The school district asks families who wish to enroll their students in the virtual learning academy to let them know by Friday, but they can still be enrolled at any time. For more information, click here or call (270) 887-7000.

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