Some Hopkinsville Residents to Lose Power Late Wednesday Night

Hopkinsville Electric System (HES) will be performing system upgrades beginning late Wednesday night that will require power outages to some residents.

Officials say the outages will begin at 11:55 PM for residents on portions of South Virginia Street, Lafayette Road, Country Club Lane, and Fort Campbell Boulevard. Residents that lose power near portions of Fort Campbell Boulevard, Country Club Lane, South Virginia Street, and Fairview Drive will have their power restored around 12:30 AM Thursday.

Power for residents near Lafayette Road, Stone Valley Drive, and Gateway Lane will be restored around 3:00 AM Thursday.

Officials add they regret the inconvenience caused by the outages, but they are necessary to prepare for the installation of the new Greenway walking bridge that will span Country Club Lane and Lafayette Road.

During the outages, HES recommends that customers not open refrigerators or freezers to retain the cold for the foods inside. Residents may also choose to turn their air conditioning down in their homes cooler than normal before the outages occur.

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