Fiscal Court Hears COVID-19 Update And Approves Relief Funds

Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates Tuesday morning heard an update from the health department about the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the county and they approved a memorandum of agreement for COVID relief funds.

At the first in-person fiscal court meeting in months, Public Health Director Kayla Bebout informed magistrates the number of cases is increasing and that is not a trend they want to see. In just the last four days, she pointed out the cases increased by 43.

CCHD Director Kayla Bebout

She said the health department received approval last week to continue administering free testing at Tie Breaker Park through August 31st. She added they have seen an uptick in testing at that site, averaging 145 a day last week in the two hours they were at the site. Bebout went on to say they have tested 5,028 at Tie Breaker Park with the positivity rate in March around 6%, which has increased to 12% through July.

She added they believe the increase in cases is due to people returning from vacation in Florida and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, which are among COVID-19 hotspots in the United States. As far as the total number of coronavirus cases, Bebout said after Monday’s numbers the county will probably be in the top 10 out of the 120 counties in the state.

PADD Associate Director Amy Frogue

In new business, magistrates approved a memorandum of agreement for COVID-19 Relief Funds in which the county was allocated just under $2.4 million from the CARES Act for reimbursement for expenses related to coronavirus activities. Amy Frogue, associate director with the Pennyrile Area Development District, said she and County Treasurer Walter Cummings have put together the first draw request for more than $850,000 for the sheriff’s department and bailiffs.

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In other action, magistrates unanimously approved the Spay/Neuter Grant Application for $2,500, the Harm Reduction Program which is the needle exchange program recently approved by the health department to reduce and prevent the spread of infectious diseases by drug users and help diabetics who may not be able to afford clean needles. Magistrates also approved a personnel request by Coroner Scott Daniel to hire Tim Fleming as a part-time deputy coroner.

The next regular fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, July 28, at 8:30.

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