Broihier Running With Hopes to ‘Clean Up’ Washington D.C.

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mike Broihier says there are a lot of things he would like to fix in Washington D.C. if he’s elected to the seat currently held by Mitch McConnell.

Broihier, who is running as a progressive, tells the News Edge he would like to see McConnell and President Donald Trump out of office. He says he is still calling for social and economic justice like he did when he launched his campaign in July when he thought the national government was sliding toward authoritarianism.

Broihier says the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t slowed down his campaign, but he has had to change the means in how he talks to potential voters and spread his message.

One thing Broihier would like to see changed is a fundamental change in the rules for the U.S. Senate.


Among other things, Broihier would like to see changes in regards to employment-tied health coverage.


Tuesday is the final day to vote in the Primary Election, with Broiheir saying the most important thing for Democrats to do is selecting a candidate to beat McConnell.


Broiheir is up against Charles Booker and Amy McGrath, as well as seven other candidates, who will appear on the Democrat ballot for a chance to be elected in November.

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