King’s Kitchen Summer Feeding Program Food Drive Friday at WPKY

Volunteers with a local children’s summer feeding program are reminding the community that a food drive will be held at the WPKY studios in Princeton Friday to help them collect food to distribute for the month of July.

Lee Anne Gilkey, director of King’s Kitchen Summer Feeding Program, says despite the coronavirus pandemic volunteers still wanted to do what they could to feed children in need.

She adds instead of home-cooked meals they will provide families with groceries for each registered child every Monday in July.

Gilkey notes needed food items include Vienna sausage, canned pasta, microwaveable cups of mac and cheese and ramen noodles, fruit and applesauce cups, chicken noodle or vegetable soup, pudding packs, and more, and is requesting all food be nut free for those who may have allergies. Food items can then be dropped off at the WPKY studios on West Main Street in Princeton Friday, June 12th from noon until 5PM. Monetary donations will also be accepted.

Marshall Oakley, Princeton Food Giant Store Manager, says the store has partnered with WPKY and King’s Kitchen and has made it easy for community members to purchase the much needed food for the food drive.

A full list of needed food items can be found here. Last year the community came together and helped raise over $4,700 and several hundred pounds of food for King’s Kitchen and WPKY is encouraging everyone to go above and beyond this year to help King’s Kitchen again provide much needed food for the kids of our community.

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