Hopkins County Infant the First Pediatric COVID-19 Death in the State

A nine-month old girl from Hopkins County is the state’s first COVID-19 death involving a person under the age of 30. Governor Andy Beshear made the announcement at his daily media briefing Wednesday, saying the coronavirus was the not the lead cause of the death but was a contributing factor and that the death will be listed as a COVID-19 death in keeping with reporting consistency.

Public Heath Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack said the coronavirus diagnosis gives them some answers in what caused the death but not a totality of answers.

click to download audioWhile there have been fewer than 200 kids in the state under the age of 10 to test positive for COVID-19, Dr. Stack says that total should not be worrisome to parents, but they should be concerned.

click to download audioHopkins County has had 220 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 30 deaths.

There were 265 new cases statewide Wednesday, only the sixth time in the past month that new cases have topped 200 with Stack saying he doesn’t think the state is seeing an uptick in cases.

click to download audioGovernor Beshear said they are halfway through testing all of the state’s long-term care facilities where the number of cases and deaths appear to be stabilizing. 19-percent of the state’s cases and 56-percent of the deaths have come from those facilities.

The rate of African-American deaths in the state due to COVID-19 have dropped two-percent in the past two weeks while the case rate remains the same. The governor he hopes to announce later this week initial plans to get with leaders in the African-American community and medical leaders to make changes in providing equal health care. African-Americans make up eight-percent of the state’s population but 17-percent of the state’s COVID-19 deaths.

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