City Council Defers Action On Nonpartisan Elections

Hopkinsville City Council postponed the second reading of the nonpartisan elections ordinance to next month and approved the first reading of the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 operational budget.

During his comments Tuesday night, Mayor Wendell Lynch asked council members to delay any action on the nonpartisan election ordinance.

When the nonpartisan elections ordinance was presented on the agenda, Councilman Terry Parker made a motion to defer the second reading until the July 7th city council meeting. The motion passed by a 10-2 vote with Patricia Bell and Darvin Adams casting the no votes. Adams then made a motion the ordinance only be deferred to the July 7th meeting if the council met in-person in order to allow the public to make comments. Mayor Lynch added he expects in-person meetings to resume in July and Adams’ motion passed unanimously.

If passed on second reading, the nonpartisan elections will include a primary election with a ward system and the top two candidates with the most votes would face off in the general election.

Council also unanimously approved the first reading of the operational budget as presented by City Clerk Crissy Fletcher.

The operational budget also waives a salary increase for the mayor and council members for fiscal year 2020-21.

The next regular city council meeting will be Tuesday evening, June 16, at 6:00.

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