Hopkinsville to Close Parts of 5th, 10th Streets to Help Restaurants Expand Outdoor Seating

The City of Hopkinsville will be partnering with restaurants and breweries in the downtown renaissance district to help them increase outdoor seating capacity while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Mayor Wendell Lynch said two streets will be closed in the evening hours on a temporary basis to allow businesses such as the Hopkinsville Brewing Company, The Mixer, and the The Local Irish Pub and Kitchen the chance to expand their outdoor seating.

East Fifth Street between Main Street and Virginia Street will be closed Wednesday through Friday from 4-8 and Saturdays noon to eight. East 10th Street between Main Street and Virginia Street will be closed Monday through Thursday from 4-9 and between 4-10 Fridays and Saturdays.

Lynch said the street closures will remain in effect until social distancing requirements at restaurants and breweries have been lifted and 100-percent capacity allowed.

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