Cameron Discusses COVID-19 Related Price Gouging And Scams

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron joined a tele-town hall meeting with First District Congressman James Comer Thursday afternoon to discuss price gouging and scams that are ongoing through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cameron assures Kentucky residents his office is working very hard every day to protect them from people who attempt to illegally profit through the pandemic.


Cameron adds his office is taking the complaints very seriously and has taken action on some people and businesses who were committing crimes.


He says it has been estimated by some accounts the brothers purchased in upwards of 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and most of the bottles were returned to the communities they were purchased in to benefit law enforcement and other first responders.

Cameron adds it is now easy to report price gouging by calling 888-432-9257 or clicking here.

He says his office has also ramped up efforts to alert residents about fraud and scams being committed during the pandemic.

Since March, Cameron’s office has received over 160 scam reports. Among the scams, including some that are using scare tactics to sell fake products that claim to cure or prevent COVID-19.


Cameron urges everyone to do proper research on possible non-profits that are claiming to help with COVID-19 relief efforts.


Cameron stresses that under no circumstances should you give out personal or financial information to any unknown sources.

There are also some scams circulating that are targeting Medicaid recipients that involve fake COVID-19 testing sites. Cameron says anyone wanting to get a test should turn to trusted medical providers.

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