Trigg County Continues To Prepare For COVID-19

Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander

As of Thursday morning, Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander says Trigg County has been blessed to not have its first confirmed positive COVID-19 case but he adds it’s not a matter of if but when they get that first call.

Judge Alexander says they have been told it’s not a matter of if the county gets its first coronavirus case but when. With that in mind, he adds they are continuing to make preparations for when they do get the call confirming the first positive case of the county by staying in daily contact with the governor’s office and others.

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According to Judge Alexander, they have a good supply of personal protective equipment (PPE).

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In addition, he says they have a good supply of food on hand for the school district to serve children.

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And Judge Alexander points out the seniors are continued to be provided food.

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He adds they are trying to make sure everybody’s needs are served.

Judge Alexander says they have a great concern for small businesses in the community and what the economic picture is going to look like on the backside of the COVID-19 crisis. He adds they are mindful of the hardships being created and they are trying to think about what they can do in the future to help the small businesses.

According to Alexander, the data for when we could see a spike in coronavirus cases keeps changing, but it could be next month.

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Judge Alexander asks residents to stay calm and stay safe, and if you don’t have to be out — stay at home. He adds you don’t have to live in total fear but there is nothing wrong with living life with total caution.

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