New Homes Built For Hopkinsville Residents In Need

Even in a time when we don’t know what is coming next, four Christian County residents will remember March as a time they moved into a new home thanks to the Hopkinsville Home Improvement Program.

Inner City REZ Coordinator Laura Faulkner says Joseph Hunt, Readae Wilford, Cornelia McReynolds, and Addie Hunt were all presented keys to their new homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new homes located at 137 South Clay Street, 918 Younglove Street, 403 Brown Street, and 1405 College Street are all located within the Inner City REZ boundaries.

They were built through a partnership between the Christian County/Hopkinsville Development Corporation and the City of Hopkinsville, Community and Development Services staff. Under the program, deteriorated houses are demolished and replaced in the same footprint as the former home utilizing Kentucky Housing Corporation GAP Financing Pool funds and Affordable Housing Trust Fund monies, as well as Community Development Block Grant dollars. Outlaw Contracting Company, Inc. was contracted to demolish the old homes and Done Right Remodeling constructed the new homes.

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