Pennyroyal Center Reports First COVID-19 Case

A person connected to the Pennyroyal Center in Hopkinsville has tested presumptive positive for COVID-19.

According to a Friday statement from the center, the test was conducted by the Christian County Health Department and the results are considered presumptive until confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control. They add the person in question, who can not be identified due to health privacy concerns and is only experiencing mild symptoms and is self-quarantining at home.

Pennyroyal Center management believes a small number of staff members and approximately 25 adult patients were potentially exposed to the person. All staff who work at the location were immediately notified, assessed for potential exposure and sent home and any staff member who had sustained contact within six feet of the affected person will self-quarantine for 14 days. Additionally, upon notification of the test results, the affected work area was closed immediately and underwent a thorough cleaning and sanitizing by a professional cleaning service.

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