Magistrates Approve 911 Enhancement To Add Texting

Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates Tuesday morning approved a recommendation that would allow the Emergency Operations Center to receive a 911 text from anyone with an emergency.

Christian County Emergency Management Director Randy Graham asked magistrates to approve the E911 recommendation for digital texting to 911 with a cost of $4,500.

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He says GPS is already a part of the enhanced 911 that is already in place, and this recommendation just adds text to that capability.
In other action, magistrates approved a contract with Codell Construction for the remodeling project at the Seniors Center that was severely damaged during a strong strom in January.  Judge-Executive Steve Tribble says the cost to the county would be the deductible on the insurance policy.
He notes crews would be on the site Tuesday afternoon with others to start the remodeling at the site on Wednesday.
And, magistrates approved an application for incentives for Concord Villas, LLC regarding the development of 67 homes to be built on 32.6 acres in a new subdivision on Concord Lane near the Bypass, which is in the City limits. Squire Darrell Gustafson says a new subdivision is needed and commended Hal McCoy for moving ahead with this project.
Judge Tribble says the incentive is the same they do for other projects.

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The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, March 10, at 8:30 at the Christian County Courthouse.

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