Cadiz Finance Committee Takes First Look At 2020-21 Budget

The Cadiz Finance Committee looked at revisions that need to made to the current city budget and the 2020-21 budget during a special called meeting Tuesday afternoon.

City Clerk Brian Ahart tells the News Edge the only revisions needed for the current budget involve water department revenue.


The city revenue and apportions will remain unchanged for the current budget. In addition, Ahart adds there are no major changes to the 2020-21 budget.

The next fiscal year’s budget shows water department revenue over $6.5-million and city revenue at nearly $3.5-million. The budget does include over $60,000 for mayor and city council expenses, over $1.6-million for city administration costs, $813,000 for the police department, $38,000 for the fire department, over $430,000 for the street department, and the renaissance budget is over $145,000.

Ahart notes both the revised budget and the 2020-21 budget will receive a first reading during the March city council meeting, with a second reading and approval during the April meeting.

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