CPD Officially Welcomes Three New Officers

Three new officers were sworn-in to the Cadiz Police Department during a brief ceremony Thursday morning.

Chief Duncan Wiggins says his department has gone through a lot of changes in the last nine months.


He adds as a family they do not let the difference in opinions get in the way of their service to the community.


Wiggins notes his department operates to make a positive change in the community.


Trigg County native Doug Latham, Tyler Goldman, and Joshua Oden were sworn-in by Cadiz Mayor Todd King. Latham comes to the department after working for the Cadiz Housing Authority for 13-years, he also served as a volunteer firefighter and graduated from Trigg County High School in 2007.

Goldman is a U.S. Navy veteran and is originally from Illinois. Oden served in the U.S. Army as an MP.

Goldman and Latham are scheduled to head to the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training (KDCJT) in Richmond in May and graduate in October. Oden’s training at Fort Leonard Wood is recognized by the KDCJT, so he will only have to complete training with the Cadiz Police Department.

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