Fiscal Court Approves Spec Building Resolution

Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates approved a resolution Tuesday morning to construct a new spec building that would help boost economic development in the county.

John Crenshaw with the Hopkinsville Industrial Foundation says they are trying to get a couple of grants for the construction of a 100,000 square foot spec building. He adds the resolution guarantees the county will make interest payments until the building is sold.

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He says he doesn’t have the hard numbers yet but he estimates the county would pay interest payments around $50,000 annually, or less.

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If they get the grants, Crenshaw notes construction could start as early as Spring.

In other business, magistrates approved the country road aid cooperative contract and resolution for over $1 million for Fiscal Year 2021. Judge-Executive Steve Tribble says the money comes from the fuel tax.

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He notes a percentage of the money goes into an emergency fund.

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Magistrates also heard a presentation from Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County Executive Director Alissa Keller who invited everyone to the grand reopening February 27 and a preview party on February 21st.The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, February 25, at 8:30 at the Christian County Courthouse.

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