Pennyroyal Arts Council Excited About December Events

The Pennyroyal Arts Council is gearing up for a festive and exciting holiday season at the Alhambra Theatre with a variety of musical entertainment, movies and more. Executive Director Margaret Prim says the Alhambra will host two concerts to finish out the month of November.

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She adds tickets are still available for the Maureen McGovern concert, but the Wynona concert sold out in about six hours. However, Prim says you can call and put your name on a waiting list just in case tickets become available.Prim says the November 30th concert will kick-off the holiday season at the Alhambra with more musical entertainment and several Christmas-themed movies.

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She adds they are already working on bringing more live musical entertainment to the Alhambra next year.

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Prim notes they have merchandise, gift cards and theater tickets available at the Alhambra Theatre, as well as bricks and chairs you can buy and name to help raise funds for the Pennyroyal Arts Council. For more information, call (270) 887-4295.

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