Trigg Authors Create Historical Book of Photography

Two Trigg County residents have assembled a book of more than 500 photos taken by a local female photographer from the late 1800s.

The book, entitled “Mrs. Randolph: a small town portrait”, was written by Paul Fourshee and Kim Fortner. It focuses on Mamie Randolph, a female photographer from 1893 to 1946. Fourshee and Fortner spent over 18 months collecting the photos for the book. Fortner tells the News Edge they got the idea for the book while looking through their family photographs.


Fourshee notes that female business owners were a rarity during that time period.


They add the cover photo has a special significance to Fortner.


Fourshee says his favorite part of creating the book was researching the history behind the photographs they found.


Anyone interested in purchasing a copy of the book can contact Paul Fourshee or Kim Fortner.

(Story by Hannah Crisp)

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