CCHD Officials Talk About Flu And Breast Cancer

Flu season has arrived earlier than normal this year.

Amanda Sweeney, Health Education Manager at the Christian County Health Department is encouraging flu shots now because there have already been flu-related deaths reported in the United States.

right-click to download mp3In other Health Department news, October is breast cancer awareness month. Officials at the Health Department are encouraging residents to get regular testing. Sweeny says breast cancer affects both men and women.

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Sweeney says the cost of the testing should not be a concern.

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The 10th Annual Pink Out to promote breast cancer awareness will be held Friday afternoon, October 25, from 3:00 until 5:00 at the WKDZ/WHVO studios.

You can find additional information about the services of the Christian County Health Department by going to their website at or their Facebook page.

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