State Auditor Harmon Makes Area Stops On Campaign Trail

Kentucky State Auditor Mike Harmon made stops across the area Monday to campaign for reelection in the upcoming November general election.

During a stop at the WKDZ/WHVO studios, Harmon said his campaign is going really well and he is proud of his accomplishments as state auditor. He noted that some of his accomplishments have led to several endorsements.

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He added another audit they did on Kentucky Wired found the former governor flipped the script on taxpayers in the state and took it from about a $30 million dollar investment to a $1.5 billion obligation that is still struggling to get up and rolling.In addition, Harmon said his office tries to be more of a resource and work with legislators, county clerks, and sheriff’s offices.

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If re-elected, he wants to look for things that have not been previously audited and conduct more debt data bulletins, similar to the pension.

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He noted teachers and state workers have paid into the pension and need to be able to get it. He notes taxpayers also need transparency.

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Harmon said he has a wonderful team in his office that wants to make sure they are working toward a good government.

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If you want to find out more about his campaign, he says you can go to also stopped in Hopkinsville and spoke at the Pennyrile Area Development District meeting Monday.

Harmon was elected as state auditor in 2015 and is seeking a second term. He will face off against Democratic candidate Sheri Donahue and Libertarian Kyle Hugenberg in November.

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