KY Nurse Strike Team To Aid Hurricane Dorian Victims

Image: NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center

A nurse “strike team” is the latest group of responders from Kentucky deployed to help victims in areas of North Carolina affected by Hurricane Dorian. The “strike team” deployment Wednesday was coordinated by the Department of Public Health, within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, along with local, state and federal officials.

State health officials say the nurse strike team consists of registered nurses and administrative staff members, who will be working in shelters in North Carolina impacted by the hurricane.

According to state officials, the strike team will augment staff to provide medical support to people who are displaced from their homes and are currently residing in general or medical needs shelters. Those individuals housed in the medical needs support shelters have medical needs and are in relatively stable condition, but have a chronic disease or condition such as diabetes or require oxygen or dialysis. Nurses will be conducting medical history and physical exams, providing patient assessments, assisting with medicine administration, and providing general nursing care and comfort for these individuals.

The assistance requests are coordinated through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), which is a mutual aid agreement between states which enables resources to be shared during natural and man-made disasters. Kentucky Emergency Management is the managing authority for deployment of all Kentucky teams and assets.

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