Luna Receives Sanctuary Phenomenal Woman Award

Idalia Luna

Sanctuary Inc. of Hopkinsville held their 13th annual awards and fundraising dinner Thursday night and heard the Executive Assistant of the Mayor of Hopkinsville tell her story of abuse and offer her praise to Sanctuary.

Idalia Luna moved to Hopkinsville from Florida in 2004. She began working with the City of Hopkinsville in December 2013 as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer and currently holds the position of Executive Assistant to the Mayor of Hopkinsville.

She says she was a third-generation victim of abuse.

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She became a client of Sanctuary and says she found safety and understanding.

Tracey Clark

The Lotus Award is given to an individual who has and continues to make significant contributions to Sanctuary. That award was presented to Tracey Clark, who was an employee is Sanctuary for a number of years before becoming Executive Director of the Jennie Stuart Health Foundation in May of 2018. Accepting the award, Clark had high praise for the employees of Sanctuary.

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Christian County Jailer Brad Boyd
The Community Partner Award was presented to Jailer Brad Boyd and the Christian County Jail. Boyd reached out to Sanctuary and helped establish domestic violence and sexual assault education to female inmates in the Christian County Jail.
Olivet Baptist Church
The Helping Hands Award was presented to Jennifer Lovelady and the Olivet Baptist Church in Herndon.
More than 700 Sanctuary supporters attended to celebrate another year of helping those in an abusive relationship.

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