Salvation Army Giving Out Fans And AC Units


The Hopkinsville Salvation Army recently received donations to help local residents beat the heat. According to a social media post, Jeremy Luciano, Founder & CEO of Global Hemp Solutions, and his wife donated several air conditioners and

VIDEO – Asian Carp Electroshock At Barkley Lock And Dam


During an event for media and Kentucky and Tennessee officials Tuesday morning, the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife demonstrated the electroshock system to show one way they are working to clear area lakes of the invasive Asian Carp.

30 People Indicted On Drug Charges In Christian County


The Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force says a six-month investigation into trafficking drugs led to the indictment of 30 people by the Christian County Grand Jury. The Task Force notes all but one of the people charged were

Woman Convicted Of Criminal Abuse Of Infant


A White Plains woman charged with the criminal abuse of an infant was found guilty by a Christian Circuit Court jury Monday. Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling tells the News Edge the jury sentenced 41-year old Amanda Jo

Two Women Injured In Hopkinsville Crash


Police have released more information about a wreck on East 14th Street that sent two Hopkinsville women to the hospital Tuesday morning. Hopkinsville Police Public Safety Officer Cassidy Woods said a car driven by 37-year-old Amanda Ortiz

Inspiring Story Of Teen Wreck Victim Draws Crowd To Summer Slam


Just over 2,500 people attended the 10th Annual Summer Slam community event Saturday in downtown Princeton. Director of HR Ministries, Brother Harrell Riley, attributes the massive crowd to the inspiring story of Caleb Freeman. right-click to download