Three Paving Projects To Begin In Trigg County Monday

A contractor for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is planning to begin asphalt paving along sections of two roads in southern Trigg County Monday.

Public Information Officer Keith Todd says the paving will take place along Kentucky 164 and 272. Motorists can expect to encounter work zones on Linton Road (Highway 164) near Linton Lane to Rock Front Loop and again from Old Dover Road to Kentucky 139/South Road, both equal to over 5 miles of paving. Additional paving will take place on Caledonia Road (Highway 272) near Kings Chapel Road to the Trigg-Christian County line, a distance of over 3.5 miles.

Todd notes motorists should be alert for the work zone restrictions, as there will be alternating traffic flow controlled by flaggers at all locations.

Rogers Group is the prime contractor for the over $827,000 worth of highway improvement. The work is expected to take ten days to complete, weather permitting.

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