Area Legislators Pleased With Pension Plan Passage

The state pension plan that provides a fix for quasi-governmental agencies, colleges, and regional universities will soon be in place after being passed by the Kentucky Senate Wednesday morning. The bill, proposed by Governor Matt Bevin, passed the state Senate by a partisan 27 to 11 vote.

Third District State Senator Whitney Westerfield says the bill is not perfect but does provide relief to the agencies that need it.

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First District State Senator Stan Humphries agrees that the bill is not ideal.

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Humphries says he was glad to have the input of the agencies he represents that are affected.

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Westerfield noted quite a bit of work has gone into the bill.

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Westerfield is hoping the Kentucky General Assembly will address the issues again in the 2020 session.

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Senator Humpries agrees that the plan will be a work in progress.

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Following the signing of the bill into law by the Governor, the Kentucky General Assembly will adjourn the special session.

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