Health Officials Issue Safety Guidelines For High Temperatures

With an Excessive Heat Advisory in effect from Thursday afternoon through Sunday evening, state health officials are urging the public to take steps to avoid injury and illness during the extreme summertime heat.

Department for Public Health Commissioner Jeff Howard says we often spend long periods of time outdoors during the summer, and with the warmer extreme temperatures comes the risk of overexertion. He adds they are advising the public to take steps to keep cool and prevent harm. He says serious injury and even death — particularly for children and older adults exposed to extreme levels of heat — can occur.

Health officials offer the following tips to avoid heat-related injury and illness:

– Drink plenty of fluids. Increase your normal fluid intake regardless of your activity level. This is especially true for people age 65 or older who often have a decreased ability to respond to external temperature changes. In addition, avoid drinking beverages containing alcohol.
-Wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. If you’re out in the hot sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat that will provide shade and keep your head cool.
-Stay cool indoors.
-Schedule outdoor activities carefully, either before noon or in the evening.
-Do not keep children or pets in cars. Temperatures inside a car without open windows can reach over 150 degrees quickly, resulting in heatstroke and death.
-Use a buddy system in which you monitor your co-workers if you are working in the heat.
-Check on your neighbors and monitor those at high risk. Those at greatest risk of heat-related illness include infants and children up to 4 years of age; People 65 years of age or older; People who are overweight; People who overexert during work or exercise; And, people who are ill or on certain medications for blood pressure or diuretics.

Also, don’t forget about your pets. Make sure they have plenty of water and shade from the hot sun.

Signs and symptoms of heat-related illness include:

Dehydration – Dehydration is caused by excessive loss of water and salts from the body. Severe dehydration can become life-threatening if not treated.
Heat Cramps – Heat cramps are painful, involuntary muscle spasms often occurring in your calves, abdomen, and back. Rest for several hours and drink clear juice or an electrolyte-containing drink.
Heat Exhaustion – Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses too much water and salt from sweating during hot temperatures. Older adults, people who work outside and those with high blood pressure are most at risk for heat exhaustion. Continued exposure may lead to heatstroke, which is life-threatening.
Heat Stroke – Heatstroke is caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures or by performing physical activity in hot weather. Sweating has usually stopped and your body temperature becomes too high. Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition and you should call 911 and seek immediate medical attention for this illness.

For more information on preventing heat-related illness visit

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