Cell Service To Improve In Todd County

Parts of Todd County will soon have better cell phone and internet service when new cell towers are erected, specifically in the northern section of the county.

Todd County Standard Publisher Ryan Craig tells the News Edge AT&T have built four towers to up the cell signal and higher speed internet.

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He notes the cell towers should be activated by Christmas.

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He notes AT&T is a $40 billion profit a year company for a reason. Craig says the new cell towers may enable AT&T to get rid of landlines and talk people into taking cell phone plans. He adds that would make them more money and they would not have to maintain the landlines as much, saving them more money.

In addition, Craig says the towers are managed by a third-party. He adds they have the right to lease space on the towers to other cell phone carriers, which means there could eventually be good cell phone signals for residents who have other service providers.

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