Trigg Elementary Renovation Could Be Completed By Fall 2020 Semester

The renovation of the Trigg County elementary school building could begin during the 2019-2020 school year after school board members heard an update on the project during their meeting last week.

Director of Operations Matt Ladd told members he’s been in communications with Sherman Carter Barnhart architect Andrew Owens about some upcoming tentative dates that could move the project along.


He adds additional tentative dates include plans to have a pre-bid meeting on July 30, a bid opening on August 20, and if all goes well possible board action on awarding a contract on August 22 during the regularly scheduled meeting.

If all goes well, the project could be completed during the school year, with the classrooms and new gymnasium space being ready for students during the fall semester of 2020.

The primary/intermediate school renovation project calls for a new appropriate sized elementary school gymnasium being constructed to the left of the current primary school entrance, it will have bleachers to seat around 500 students. The current gymnasium space will be turned into two floors of classrooms.

Other items in the schematic include; adding a wider staircase in the middle of the school building, making a permanent connection between the primary/intermediate school and middle school and getting rid of the “tunnel”, moving the preschool playground between the two schools, and having one central hallway that will make the upper level less confusing for parents.

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