Pennyroyal Hospice Releasing Butterflies To Help Grieve Lost Loved Ones

Pennyroyal Hospice will be hosting their sixth annual Butterfly Release event Saturday.

Hospice Social Worker Kim Baggett tells the News Edge the release will begin at 10:00 AM at St. John United Methodist Church in Hopkinsville.


She notes there will be a short program before the butterflies are released.


Hospice provides one butterfly for free, but if families want more they can purchase each of them with a $10 donation.

Baggett adds events such as this help families grieve over the loss of a loved one.


Hospice PRN Chaplin and Crossroads Fellowship Pastor Geoff Baggett will be the guest speaker for the service. If you would like to reserve a butterfly, contact Kim at (270) 885-6428 by Friday.

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