Pennyroyal Arts Council Offers Summmer Camp To Children

Any child ranging from 1st to 12th grade who would like to participate in a play this summer can sign-up to be a part of the Pennyroyal Arts Council Missoula Summer Camp. This year’s summer camp will be July 8th-12th and will feature the play The Snow Queen.

Pennyroyal Arts Council Executive Director Margaret Prim told the News Edge the summer camp does not include auditions, all you have to do is sign-up.

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She added there are scholarships available through the summer program, and the Pennyroyal Arts Council is very thankful for their sponsor to make this possible.

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Prim said all of the children participating in the program will get an opportunity to visit places such as the Hopkinsville Fire Department.

(Story By Svanah Martin)

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