Hoppers Coach Optimistic For New Season

Hoptown Hoppers Coach Grayson Crawford spoke at the Hopkinsville Rotary Club meeting on Tuesday about his team going into the 2019-2020 season.

Coach Crawford spoke about the diverse origins of players on his roster.

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The Coach noted that most of his players this season are younger and what that means for the team.

He went on to speak about how the team is constantly evolving by losing and adding players according to the needs of the team.

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Lastly, Coach Crawford shared what it means to the players to be on the team and how they are personally affected by the community.

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Wednesday night’s game will be at home against Paducah and Thursday night’s game will honor Pete Harbold, who played for the original Hoppers, with the Hoppers wearing throwback jerseys with a silent auction to sell the jerseys after the game is completed. Friday night will be another home game and Sunday night will be Military Appreciation Night with the Hoppers sporting special jerseys for the event.

(Story By Hannah Crisp)

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