Trial Date To Be Set Soon For Bethel Street Murder Suspects

The three men charged in connection to a robbery and murder on Short Bethel Street in January appeared for a pretrial conference in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday morning.

Shakkory Willis, James Yates and Lane Carter, along with their attorney’s appeared before Judge John Atkins. Willis is charged with murder, first-degree burglary, first-degree robbery, and second-degree unlawful transaction with a minor. His co-defendants, Yates and Carter are facing charges of first-degree complicity to burglary, first-degree complicity to robbery, and second-degree unlawful transaction with a minor. There are also three juveniles charged in the case.

The charges stem from January 24 when police said the three men and a 14-year old juvenile, kicked in the door to a home located at 1923 Short Bethel Street with the intent to rob 19-year old Dylan Stewart and 20-year old Corvyan Thomas of drugs and money. Police said during a preliminary hearing in District Court in February, that Willis shot Stewart in the leg and shot Thomas three times with a handgun, resulting in his death.

In court Wednesday, Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling said they need to set a trial date but he believes the attorneys for the juveniles should also be present.

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Judge Atkins agreed and scheduled another pretrial conference to set a trial date on Tuesday, May 28th.

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