Council Approves First Reading Of Operational Budget

The operational and capital budgets for the next fiscal year were approved by Hopkinsville City Council and three new police officers were sworn in at Tuesday night’s meeting.

Council approved the operational budget of $36.7 million, an increase of just over $942,000 from the previous year. The budget also includes a no cost of living increase for employees, no special projects, a 5% cut to agencies, and a 4% cut to Community and Development Services. It also includes a 20% cut, or $100,000, to the Inner City REZ’s budget allowing $400,000 for the next fiscal year. At the last meeting, Councilman Darvin Adams voiced his displeasure with the cut and at Tuesday night’s meeting prior to the vote he made a motion to attach an addendum to the budget to replace the $100,000.

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No one made a second and the motion failed.

Prior to the meeting during public comments, a member of the Neighborhood Association also spoke out against the cut and asked for an explanation as to why Inner City REZ had a 20% cut and other agencies only received a 4% or 5% cut. Mayor Carter Hendricks explained REZ has nearly accrued nearly $800,000 sitting in the bank from allocations from previous years that is unspent.

right-click to download mp3Councilmembers approved the operational budget by a vote of 11-1 with Adams casting the lone nay vote, and council unanimously approved the $1.48 million Capital Budget for next fiscal year.

In other business, council approved forming a Pension/Funding Committee. Mayor Hendricks says the committee has a very tough chore ahead of them.

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Three Hopkinsville Police Officers were sworn-in by Mayor Hendricks. The new officers are David Shmura, Royale Marfil and Brian Rivers.

And Ava Douthitt, a South Christian Elementary School student, was recognized as Mayor for a Day.

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