Health Insurance Renewal And Incentives Approved By Magistrates

Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates approved the health insurance renewal for the next fiscal year and incentives for the Hopkinsville Industrial Foundation and Overhold Properties, LLC during Tuesday morning’s meeting.

Mack Major with Higgins Insurance Company informed magistrates Anthem is passing on a projected 16.2 percent increase which is primarily due to increased utilization.

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He notes the good news is the county has built up a good reserve and the insurance committee recommends that they increase their funding by 10 percent.

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In addition, magistrates approved a resolution with Overhold Properties, LLC, for a new 22,000 foot facility for a new Sisk Honda dealership to be constructed at the corner of Eagle Way and Fort Campbell Boulevard for a 90 percent property tax rebate incentive for 12-years.And magistrates approved a resolution with the Hopkinsville Industrial Foundation for a 70 percent for ten years property tax rebate revenue for an expansion with Denso Manufacturing, who has been leasing the facility, as explained by Magistrate Darrell Gustafson.

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He added Denso’s lease will cover the indebtedness of the facility.

In other business, magistrates approved a salt bid with Compass Minerals American in Overland Park, Kansas for 500 tons of salt at a cost of just over $101 per ton. County Road Superintendent Paul Finley informed fiscal court the price rose from $85 a ton last year to $101 per ton this year. He says they used about 300 tons of salt last winter and there is about 1,400 tons in stock.

The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, May 25, at 8:30.

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