McConnell Plans To Raise Minimum Age To Buy Tobacco

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced plans at a Thursday news conference to introduce legislation in the U.S. Senate to raise the nationwide minimum age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21. The McConnell bill, which will be introduced in May, will cover all tobacco products, including vaping devices.

According to McConnell’s office, Kentucky, unfortunately, has some of the highest cancer rates in the country, leading the nation with 34% of cancers tied directly to smoking. When teens vape, officials say they could be taking the first steps toward serious health problems throughout their lives, noting 45% of Kentucky high school students report having tried vaping. About 95% of adult smokers began using tobacco products before they turned 21. Officials indicate studies have shown that the brain is still developing throughout teenage years, and nicotine use on a young brain can stunt growth and make it harder to focus, learn, or control impulses, as well as increase the risk of addiction to other drugs.

Officials pointed out a recent survey showed about two-thirds of high school seniors did not know their vaping product contained nicotine.

President and CEO of Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky Ben Chandler was among those who joined McConnell at the news conference.

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