Cadiz Council To Vote On Annexation Of Property Next Month

Cadiz City Council voted to table the second reading of an ordinance that would annex a property into the city limits so a senior housing project could move forward during Tuesday evening’s meeting.

The property which is currently owned by Dennis Thomas is located at the intersection of Phoenix Drive and Bella Drive.

Last Tuesday evening, the Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission narrowly approved a request to designate the property R-2 or a multi-residential property.

City Clerk Brian Ahart presented the first reading of the annexation ordinance to council.

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Vice President of Surveying at Dummer Surveying and Engineering Services Rick Tosh and Beacon Property Management President/CEO Travis Yates answered questions from council members and residents of Dove Circle, a subdivision that would be adjacent to the project. Some of the questions ranged from the level of elevation that would have to be built up for the project and more questions concerning property values.

Yates notes the proposed three-story, 40-plus unit project would be for senior citizens 55 years of age or older. Income for seniors would be limited to $24,000 or less a year for one person and $28,000 or less for two people.

He adds the project was going to be built in the county, but in order to be a part of the water and sewer system, the property must be in the city limits.

After a nearly forty-five-minute discussion council voted to table the second reading of the ordinance to next month’s meeting, citing they wanted to personally evaluate the property. Members were originally scheduled to meet Wednesday afternoon to hear the second reading and approve or deny the property annexation.

In other business, Ahart presented the second reading of the budget for the next fiscal year.

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Members unanimously approved the budget that estimates the city will collect over $7.8 million in taxes, fees, and other funding. The budget includes spending nearly $2.4 million on general government and over $725,000 for the police department.

In other action, the council heard the second reading of the water and sewer rates. Ahart notes the rate will increase the same amount over the next two years.

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In last month’s meeting, Ahart mentioned the rates over the last few years were increasing by eight percent each year to help pay for the new water treatment facility being constructed in the Interstate 24 Business Park.


The water and sewer rates were approved and the council will re-evaluate the three percent rate increase in 2021.

The next city council meeting will be held Tuesday evening, May 7 at 6:00.

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