Magistrates Approve Budget For Trigg County Conservation District

Trigg County Fiscal Court approved the budget for the conservation district for the next fiscal year during their Monday evening meeting.

Barry Alexander

Trigg County Conservation District’s Barry Alexander presented the budget which shows their expenditures at nearly $246,000.

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Trigg County Judge/Executive Hollis Alexander complimented the work that Alexander and the conservation district does for the county.

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Magistrates unanimously approved the budget for the organization who is setup to provide regulatory guidance, environmental awareness and more while protecting the environment and improving the quality of life for Kentucky businesses, workers and the public.

Caitlyn Sperling

In other business, magistrates heard from Caitlyn Sperling, who is a Partnership Specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau says the census is an important and mandatory.

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Sperling adds it could be very costly for the county and the state if everyone is not counted properly.

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Training will be ongoing throughout the year for local residents who will helping to conduct the census. She notes the census will be utilizing technology for the first time ever to help count citizens.

The next Trigg County Fiscal Court meeting will take place Monday evening, April 1 beginning at 6:00 in the basement of the Trigg County Annex building.

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