Lack Of New Industry Led To Cadiz Withdrawal From EDC

Cadiz Mayor Todd King says frustration over lack of progress may have led to Cadiz City Council’s vote to withdraw from the South West Kentucky EDC.

Mayor King says the council would like to have seen more results from the three-county regional economic development effort.

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City Clerk Brian Ahart says the city of Cadiz has contributed more than $100,000 to the South West Kentucky EDC during the past five years and more than $258,000 to the Cadiz-Trigg County EDC since 2005. He said the decision to withdraw will possibly be discussed again.

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Although Councilwoman Susan Bryant mentioned during the council meeting Tuesday night that the city may do some industrial recruitment on their own, Mayor King says there is no plan in place to do that.

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King reiterated they may consider partnering with EDC again in the future since the Trigg County Industrial parks are located in the city limits.

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He also said he feels strongly that small business needs to become a focus of the EDC.

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King also said his attendance record and that of City Clerk Brian Ahart is better than what was released by the South West Kentucky EDC. King noted he and the City Clerk have attended more frequently than noted in the records, but may not have signed the attendance roll at some of the meetings.

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