Public Hearing Planned For Proposed Senior Housing

The Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission voted to move a potential zoning and annex designation to the next step during their meeting Tuesday evening.

Commission Chair Bob Brame says Dennis Thomas of Thomas and Oliver of Cadiz, Inc. has requested that his property located south of Phoenix Drive be annexed into the city limits and be zoned for residential use.

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Commission Attorney Steve Underwood adds the board will not vote on either of those items, just entertaining the notice and making a recommendation to the city for the zoning and annexation.

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Underwood asked members of the commission to refrain from conversations about the proposed project with the owners of the property.

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Commission members voted to host the public hearing for both items during their next business meeting on Tuesday evening, March 26 beginning at 6:00 at 39 Jefferson Street in Cadiz. Following the hearing, members will make a recommendation to the City of Cadiz. Members of the community are invited to attend and voice their opinions on the project.

Brame tells the News Edge the proposed project is a 41-unit low-income housing for seniors. The project would also have one entry/exit road that would be located on Phoenix Drive across from the Trigg County Archery building.

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