Magistrates Hear Update On New Public Safety Building

After much discussion at Tuesday morning’s meeting, Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates approved a change order for a total of $106,000 for the new Public Safety building for the sheriff’s department.

David Welker with Codell Construction advised magistates they had to add more lights in the public restrooms and seven mechanical rooms needed ceilings installed because all of the heating and cooling was going to the roof and the state inspector would not approve a certificate of occupancy.

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After some discussion, Magistrate Phillip Peterson questioned whether this is a change order or fixing a mistake made by the architect, JRA in Lexington. Magistrate Darrell Gustafson said part of it is fixing someone’s mistake and he thinks they should go after the architect and hold them accountable.

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Magistrates agreed to pay the $106,000 but reserved the right to pursue collecting some of the money from the architect. Welker noted they hope to have the sheriff’s office ready to move into the new building on March 15.

Magistates also heard from 4-H agents with the Christian County Extension Office who requested their help in promoting the Ag Tag, or farm plates, in which there is a $10 voluntary donation program that benefits 4-H, FFA, and Kentucky Proud. Christian County is the second largest agricultural county in the state but ranks 72nd out of 120 counties, with only 20 percent purchasing Ag Tags. 4-H Agent Jeremiah Johnson says they need additional funding to continue 4-H programs.

The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, March 12, at 8:30.

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