Coasters And Drifters Draw Large Alhambra Crowd


A huge crowd rocked the night away Saturday to the sounds of the Drifters and Coasters at the Alhambra Theater in Hopkinsville.

The sold out show, sponsored by 96.5 and 100.9 WHVO, was part of the Live at the Alhambra Series.  WHVO-WKDZ’s Boyd Clark served as Master of Ceremonies for the show.

Pennyroyal Arts Council Executive Director Margaret Prim said she stays busy showing off the newly rennovated Alhambra Theater, with many people seeing for the first time Saturday night.

The next show planned for the Alhambra is “Let It Shine: The American Civil Rights Movement”, with show times at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Tuesday, February 5.

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