I-24 Work Zone Lane Restriction In Caldwell Begins Thursday


Motorists traveling Interstate 24 in Caldwell County need to be aware of a work zone lane restriction in the eastbound lane.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet spokesman Keith Todd says the eastbound lane restriction is to allow repairs to a failed concrete slab within the area of KY 139 Princeton-Cadiz Exit 56 Interchange. He notes all traffic in the work zone will move to the left-hand or passing lane.

Todd says the work zone went up Thursday afternoon and equipment required to facilitate repair work will be moved to the site over the next day or two with work expected to start Monday morning.

Eastbound motorists should be alert for slowing and merging traffic when approaching the work zone, which will be up around the clock for approximately one week, weather permitting.

Motorists should also take appropriate caution where equipment, flaggers, and maintenance personnel are along the roadway near traffic flow.

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