Donations Needed To Help Build Wings Of Liberty Military Museum

Preserving the history of a regional military base is the mission of one organization as they are looking to build a bigger museum.

Retired U.S. Army Brigadier General Scott Bower says the Wings of Liberty Military Museum will be much bigger than the current museum located inside Fort Campbell.

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According to Bower, the idea for the much larger facility will be to help tell the story of battles fought to keep this country free.

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Another component of the museum will be to tell the stories of people who fought in wars around the world since the inception of the Fort Campbell Military Base.

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Bower adds Vincent learned a few years ago that his story inspired a beer company in the country he fought in.

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Stories similar to that one will shared in the museum which will be built near the Fort Campbell Boulevard/Tiny Town Road intersection. The plan is to have the museum built so anyone can visit and not have to enter the military installation.The $50 million project is around 55% funded with Bower saying anyone can donate to the Wings of Liberty Military Museum project by visiting

Bower was the guest speaker at the Hopkinsville Rotary Club meeting Tuesday afternoon.

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