Hopkinsville Parks And Rec Excited About 2019

The Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Department had a busy year in 2018 and is looking forward to adding more events this year at Tie Breaker Park and the new Sportsplex.

Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman presented a recap and the highlights of 2018 to Christian County Fiscal Court Tuesday morning and spoke about some future events. He says Tie Breaker Park had record numbers of visitors last year and they are excited about a new event to attract more visitors to the park in July.

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In addition, he notes they have submitted a bid to host the Ohio Valley Conference Softball Championships in 2020 and 2021.

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Brockman also presented an overview of Hopkinsville-Christian County WINS initiative, including the Sportsplex which had approximately 500 people had the grand opening.He says this weekend 50 volleyball teams from around the region will descend on Hopkinsville for a tournament at the Sportsplex. Soon after the facility opened, Brockman says they realized they needed more parking spaces.

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Looking ahead, Brockman says they are hosting a 1/2 marathon this summer, but they have not finalized the date.

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Throughout the year, Brockman notes Parks and Recreation is involved in about 80 events in Hopkinsville.

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