Pathway Of Hope Helping Families Get Out Of Poverty

The Pathway of Hope is working with area residents to try and change personal habits to break poverty within families.

Alisha Barton spearheads the program at the Salvation Army in Hopkinsville. She says the Pathway of Hope is fairly new to the organization.

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Barton adds the program is different than most that try and solve the issue of poverty within families.

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The program goes through numerous phases and takes a few years to complete. According to Barton, there are several ways they see growth throughout families including numbers of physical barriers decreasing, solving root causes of the poverty, decreasing the number of repeat clients, and optimizing the use of resources.

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Barton is excited to continue to use the Pathway of Hope method to help families in need.

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Barton was the guest speaker at the weekly Kiwanis Club of Hopkinsville meeting Thursday afternoon.

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