Probation And Parole Building Bond & Lease Approved By Council

The first reading of a bond to relocate the Probation and Parole Office to the old Williams Chevrolet building was approved by Hopkinsville City Council at a special called meeting Tuesday night.

The $1 million bond will be used for the cost of acquisition of the building, construction, installation and equipping of upgrades to an administrative building, as well as for the lease agreement. Mayor Carter Hendricks says the bond will cover the work to be done to get the old Chevrolet building prepared to move Parole and Probation from East 9th and Main streets to Clay Street. He notes the move is a good step in the right direction after it has been long discussed strategically in the community for several years.

City Administrative Officer Troy Body noted the lease agreement is for seven years in an amount of $113,000 with an option to renew.

In other business, council members approved the first readings of amending the general fund and capital budgets to transfer funds to the capital budget in order to purchase a new ladder truck for the Hopkinsville Fire Department for more than $1.38 million.

During awards and recognitions, Fire Chief Freddie Montgomery introduced 14 recent firefighter graduates and a paramedic were sworn-in my Mayor Hendricks as members of the Hopkinsville Fire Department.

The next regular meeting of Hopkinsville City Council will be next Tuesday night at 6:00 at the Hopkinsville Municipal Center Council Chamber.

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