DeArmond And Deputy Sheriff’s Sworn In

Christian County sheriff-elect and two deputies were sworn in Friday afternoon.

Christian County Judge-Executive Steve Tribble

Christian County Judge-Executive Steve Tribble says the swearing in is unique because all three were sworn in for the first six days of the new year.

Sheriff-elect Tyler DeArmond says there will not be any major changes in the office right away.

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DeArmond adds their top priority will continue to be serving the people of Christian County.

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According to DeArmond, they could be in the new sheriff’s office on West 7th Street in about two months. Tribble adds DeArmond and his two deputies John Quarles and Andy Spann will be officially sworn in for their full terms on Sunday afternoon, January 6. Current sheriff Livy Leavell will retire at the end of the day on Monday, December 31.

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